*Couponing 101: The Tips & Tricks!*

So you're interested in the new fad of couponing?! Well you're not alone and you're DEFINITELY in the right place! Couponing to save big or as another source of your income isn't hard at all. It doesn't take much other than some time dedicated to it, understanding of how it works, organization skills and research! If you can set aside an hour or two a day -- you'll be an extremely successful couponer, too.
I'm going to teach you step by step how to master this rewarding hobby and save your family thousands of dollars each year. One transaction and you'll be hooked! I wish you the best of luck and remember -- don't EVER hesitate to ask me any questions you may have either here or via Facebook. No question is silly or too small. Keep in mind; I was once a curious beginner, too! :)

Step 1: Know where to get your coupon stockpile. Every beginner should start here!
Newspapers are a great source. You want to try and get the newspaper that has the most inserts (Smart Source, Red Plum, Proctor and Gamble, General Mills).These inserts come in the Sunday newspaper and are usually around $2.00. You can possibly also find a FREE newspaper in your town that is published once a week and will have an insert included. These are completely free and you can take as many as you like (try to go at the end of the week so every one gets their fair share.) 
Online is also a great source for coupons! There are many sites that allow you to print for free. Some of these great sites are Coupons.com, CouponSuzy.com, CouponNetwork.com, RedPlum.com, SmartSource.com, CouponMom.com, and many more!
Store Coupons. Lots of stores offer weekly or monthly coupons that can actually be stacked on top of an online, newspaper or manufacturer coupon. Check out stores like CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid for their coupon books or inside their flyers.
Magazines; Many magazines hide coupons between pages. Skim through your subscriptions and pull them all out.
On products. A lot of companies will throw a coupon on their item to lure you to spend money on their products again!
Directly from Manufacturer. This is a GREAT way to score some high value coupons for brands you love (or didn't like so much). Companies love to hear feedback about their products whether it be good or bad. Try writing, calling or e-mailing some companies today. They'll come via snail mail so keep an eye on that mailbox!
Coupon Clipping Services. Personally I've never paid for coupons myself but if the deal is right maybe it would work for you. There are clipping services online that allow you to purchase specific coupons you may need or have missed out on.
**Your goal is to get at least 5 (or more) of EACH coupon or insert to make your trips really worth while and to allow you to start stocking up.

Step 2: Know what coupons to clip and file
Personally, I clip and file every coupon for products that I might use. I do this because I never know what products are going to be on sale and I never like to miss a great savings. Your coupons will be your new sidekick. When you go out; they go with you. You never want to be in the store and see a great sale or clearance and say "Ugh I have a coupon for that at home." When clipping put each coupon in it's own category pile so you can file them after. (Step 3) Try to widen your favorite brands and clip coupons for brands you've never tried. You never know what kind of great sale you can find.

Step 3: Know how to organize your coupons.
You're gonna want to invest in a thick, sturdy 3 ring binder and some baseball card sleeves. This will be your best friend when you go out. Organize coupons by category. Have a table of contents for quick reference and seperate each category with a tab. File like coupons together so you always know what coupons you have and exactly where to find them. This will come in handy for filing and for the surprise deal you see on the shelves at the store. Clean out your binder often getting rid of expired coupons and clearing room for new ones.

Step 4: Know when to use your coupons.
Just because you have a coupon does NOT mean use it right away. The secret to couponing is waiting for that product to go on sale at a great price then combining that already great price with your coupon. Buy 1 Get 1 (BOGO) sales are a great time to use coupons. When you have a manufacturers coupon AND a store coupon topped off with a sale is a key time to use your coupons, too. Try to keep an eye on the sale flyers to see what's on sale...then check what coupons you can add to that. This is how you will get things FREE or with a very high percentage off.

Step 5: Know your stores coupon policy.

This is very important because there is nothing worse than thinking you're getting a good deal and when you get to the register they don't take the coupon for some reason. Every store has its own policy and it's usually listed on their website. Have a section in your binder for Coupon Policies so that if something is to occur you can pull it out at the register. Doing this has saved me many times. Personally I LOVE Walmarts overage policy...if the coupon amount exceeds the product price they will give you the difference in cash or towards more items. I also like Stop & Shop because they DOUBLE coupon that are valued under $1.00 This is a great way to get overage, too. Not all stores do overage or doubling so get familiar with the store your shopping ats policy.

You're ready to start your new hobby!! Again best of luck to you and please ask me any questions you might have ANY time. Also, please share your saving stories with me and I might even feature your trip on my webpage and Facebook !. :)

~Mass Mom on a Budget

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